API Standard 12F provides design criteria, material options, fabrication methods and testing requirements for shop fabricated tanks and Hawkeye is ready to help you meet these new criteria. These above ground storage tanks generally store crude petroleum or other production liquids.

The thirteenth edition of API 12F, released January 2019, contains significant changes to tank venting requirements. A single venting gauge hatch is no longer appropriate to satisfy the venting requirements of an API 12F tank. Therefore, tank manufacturers and users must become familiar with the new standard.

The new standard contains the following changes:

  • A vent dedicated to relieving the normal venting requirements shall be provided.
  • Normal venting flow rates shall be calculated as per API 2000.
  • An 8” venting gauge hatch shall be provided and, in combination with the normal vent, be sized to relieve an upset condition of up to 200,000 SCFH of flow.
  • Unless installed in a “remote location”, an emergency vent is necessary to relieve the emergency venting requirements.
  • Emergency venting flow rates shall be calculated as per API 2000.
  • During normal venting the tank shall not exceed 16 oz/in^2 pressure or 1 oz/in^2 vacuum.
  • During emergency or upset venting conditions the tank shall not exceed 24 oz/in^2 or 1.5 oz/in^2 vacuum.
  • A frangible roof weld is not an acceptable emergency vent.

These changes necessitate the use of a greater number of, and higher performing vents such as a dedicated Pressure and Vacuum Relief Vent (PVRV) and Emergency Pressure Relief Vent (EPRV).

Hawkeye Industries Solutions

Hawkeye Industries offers a range of products to allow a tank to meet the new venting requirements including:

Model 200 Venting Gauge Hatch

Model 300 Venting Gauge Hatch

Series 4000 MarshHawk Venting Gauge Hatch

Series 5000 EPRV

Series 6000 PVRV

Contact our technical sales department to learn more.


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